Faith. Small word, big meaning. Let me explain. Helen and myself are driving out to Val de Vie for Garth and Lee’s wedding. There are seriously unlucky looking clouds all around us. It looks a bit like Scotland on a bad day. We get to Val de Vie and I go and say hi to Lee who has just started her make-up. ‘A bit cloudy out there hey girl’ I say to her, ‘looks a bit um, dodge.’ Lee turns to me and says: ‘don’t worry Warren, I’m not scared, I have faith in you.’ Jeepers, no pressure! And so the day of faith begins. Lee gets ready, I shoot her, the decor, x, y, z. I decide where I’m going to shoot inside Val de Vie in case the heavens open, but all the while I just somehow have faith that it won’t. Lee arrives, the service starts and inside I’m urging the minister to speak faster as I watch the sky all around is belting down with the wet stuff. But somehow, it just keeps swirling around us and doesn’t touch the Val de Vie grounds. It’s totally and utterly remarkable. After the service everyone is in buoyant mood – congratulations all round. I’m looking at the sky and the faith is still generic cymbalta not as effective there. We start the formals, the light is fading faster than one of those polo donkeys going for goal. Still the rain holds back. We get the shots, I’m thrilled, but the light has now really gone. We head back to the cars and literally, quite literally as we close the doors, boom baby – down comes the rain! We head back to the polo house, Lee does a quick dress change, and I take some shots of them inside. Then it’s off to the reception. We arrive, First Dance, starters and then the speeches. They’re all good, honest and from the heart. It’s stirring stuff. Then Lee dad’s takes it into extraordinary by singing a spiritual song. Wow, wow, wow, wow. The place erupts – both as an acknowledgement to his unwavering faith as well as to his voice. The man can sing. Helen and I drove home in the rain. The next day I started on the photos. After about an hour I called Hel and said: ‘whew, but these photos are all just working for me big time – I’m not sure that I took them, I think I had some help from above.’ Faith. Small word, big meaning. Here are some of their photos, I hope you enjoy them.

Val de Vie weddings 41, Warren Williams Photography

Val de Vie weddings 1, Warren Williams Photography

Val de Vie weddings 2, Warren Williams Photography

Val de Vie weddings 3, Warren Williams Photography

Val de Vie weddings 4, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 7, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 16, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 40, Warren Williams Photography

Val de Vie weddings 41, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 46, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 51, Warren Williams Photography

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Val de Vie weddings 55, Warren Williams Photography

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