‘My chick rocks broer.’ I’ll never forget those words. They came from a guy called Craig Lorden. We were walking/crawling along some very jagged rocks together. But more importantly, his wife was doing the same. It’s just that she was ahead of us. And she wasn’t walking or crawling. She was jumping from rock to rock. In high-heeled shoes. In her wedding dress. And chit-chatting away as she did so. It was all a bit surreal. That was back in 2009 (here’s the link to their wedding by the way). It was an awesome day to say the least, with a bride who was just spectacular from start to finish (and ja, Craig wasn’t too bad as a groom either). I gave Bo the nickname ‘Bodacious’ (from the movie an Officer and a Gentleman) simply because Bo is just that (look it up in the dictionary, you’ll like it). Anyway, their wedding day came and went and that sadly, was that. Until December 2011 when I received an email from Bo saying that she and Craig were coming to Cape Town for the holidays and wanted a family photo shoot. With Gaby. Now let me tell you, that I work alone in a very quiet office and when I receive mails like that, things get quite loud. Not for long, but things get loud nonetheless. ‘Yeah baby yeah!’ ‘Woooohooo!’ ‘Craig you legend!’ ‘Whooooose your daddy!’ Those are the sort of things that happen. It would be a bit embarrassing in an open-plan office, but as I said I’m alone, so hey. Gaby, you are a very pretty, beautiful, cute, bubbly little bunny and I reckon your dad reckons that ‘his chicks rock!’ Broer.