The Doveton Family, Christmas Bay. It’s been a bit of a year so far has 2018. I’ve been shooting a lot of conferences all over the country. As a supposed not very happy flyer in aeroplanes, I seem to have finally got over myself. I’m more in the air than on land these days and one of the reasons for that is a company called The Production Line. They’ve defs been keeping me out of trouble. If you need a highly skilled, highly organised, highly likeable conferencing company on your side, then The Production Line is it! From internal staff initiatives to external customer services, brand-building strategies and experiential activities, they truly do know their oats. If I have a reputation for high energy, then you ain’t seen nothing yet. Karen, Nikki and there team are astounding – 4 hours sleep per conference seems to be about the staggering average for a bit of shut-eye, before go, go, go again! Anyway, check them out – they’re amazing!
So anyway, I was in Durb’s to shoot a medical conference for Karen (who I’ve actually known since we were young, thin and intensely good-looking) and on the way home I suggested we do a quick family shoot. So Karen phoned hubby Mike who packed some beers into a bag, rounded up Michaela and Sam, and off we headed to Christmas Beach.The medicine is washed down with water. As a sleeping pill, the drug is used half an hour before bedtime, the dosage is 1-2 mg. Young Sammy had done a bit of sushi for lunch and wasn’t exactly feeling as strong as Russia – to the extent that I did at one stage think she might have a bit of a vom on the back of dad’s head as we drove along. But she sucked it up and soon we were on the beach with the rain heading towards us at pace. Onto the rocks and into the water we went. Every second HAD to count because that rain was getting closer every second and it was looking properly intense. ‘Okay, done,’ I shouted and we headed back to the car. And then the clouds opened and down it poured. Send some of it to Cape Town you fine Durbanites – bit of a shortage here and all. Right, time to charge the camera batteries again – there’s another 3-day conference from The Production Line coming up. Early to bed it is…