I’ve known Phil Thompson for far longer than I actually care to remember. It’s so many years that when I was working it out I got a bit of a shock. So we’ll leave it there. He’s a bloody fine chap – toughest rugby player I ever saw. You couldn’t put the bugger down. Phil played Maties Eerste Span ou perd, so I guess he had to be tough. But he actually decided to soften up, get married and have kids. The result is gorgeous, lovely Lee (the better half), and two very cool and very cute kids (Matthew & Nicholas). Matt started off deciding that this was the shoot he’d pull as many faces as possible. Just as I was about to pull him aside and threaten him with a Near-Death Experience he changed tack, becoming the perfect model (and I was psychologically damaged for the rest of the shoot). But there’s more. The rest of Phil’s theksm.virusinc.org/medicine/ family also decided to pull in for a bit of action! Anthea Thompson (actress extraordinaire – look her up on the Net), Gill (your bum doesn’t REALLY look better in those jeans Gill), Steve (my little male model) and families.


So there we had the whole mob, hamming it up for mom and dad’s 50th (yes, you heard correctly) – 50th wedding anniversary. Now I know Mr & Mrs Thompson Senior because they took a special interest in us boys as we grew up. So Mr & Mrs Thomo, if you ever read this, I hope you have a fantastic wedding anniversary, I hope these photographs bring you joy and pleasure, I hope you’re around for your 100th anniversary (okay whoa, maybe not, youth must have its fling) – and finally, thanks for everything you every did for us scruffy little bums as we grew up over the years. Hip-hip…



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