Tanya’s maternity shoot happened in the blink of an eye. She called me on Thursday and asked if I could photograph her on Friday because on Monday it was ‘hello baby’ delivery time.So right now, as I type this Tanya is busy becoming a mom. Pretty cool stuff. Now the thing is, I actually do very few maternity shoots. Maybe it’s because I refuse to do the ‘oh look how cute we are with our hands making a heart around the pregnant tummy thing.’ So I said to Tanya: ‘Tan, I’m not doing the ‘let’s make the heart around the tummy thing hey!’ And she said: ‘whew, that’s a bit of a relief – let’s do it!’ And so off went for a stroll through a park or two, chit-chatting about nappies, sleepless nights, humanrightsfilmnetwork.org/levitra baby vomit, baby poo and other riveting things. I told Tanya about the birth of our own 3 children and how Annie (our middle child) popped into the world in a mere 25 minutes from initial warning to final landing (yes, 25 minutes, 160km down the highway, into hospital, up lift, onto bed, and hellooooo world I’m here!) So there we go – here’s Tanya’s maternity shoot – just a normal, natural mom-to-be with her own thoughts. And what a seriously happy and vibrant mom-to-be she is. Okay, I’m out of here – I told Tanya her pics would be up before little Little arrives. Which, according to my calculations, is right about… NOW! Go Tan go!