I was sitting in front of the TV. Helen was nattering away, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then everything went quiet. I looked up. ‘Did you hear a word I was saying?’ she said. I tried to make up a bit of a lie to convince Helen I’d been listening. But I wasn’t going to get that right, not for one minute. You see, the thing is, I do a lot of fantasizing about where and how I’m going to approach upcoming shoots. And when that happens, my ears sort of close down and I don’t hear a thing. Slightly problematic. In this instance I was whipping through images of Cape Town in my mind, trying my hardest to come up with a place to shoot Jonelle’s Trash the Dress. I didn’t want it to be all pretty and cutesy and flowery and beautiful and stuff. I wanted it to be a bit rough ‘n ready. Then it hit me – Rugby would do just fine. And it wouldn’t be an easy shoot either –  even better. ‘And rain, we need rain,’ I said to Helen (this happens quite often too – I just blurt stuff out without actually explaining what I’m thinking and the whole family just raises their eyebrows in astonishment). I climbed onto Facebook and messaged Jonelle with my idea. I could tell she wasn’t overly excited. In fact, her exact response to me was: ‘I hear you… but are you SURE about the whole Rugby thing?’ To be quite honest, I was absolutely sure. I knew Jonelle could pull it off. And in the end, she pulled it off way, way better than I expected. As for Gerard, well, Gerard did the whole gangsta rapper dude think like a seasoned pro – brilliant and utterly convincing performance from our double psychology degree maestro. So there you go. Job done. Rain and all. Here are a few of their photos…

Gerard and Jonelle

Trash the Dress

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Cape Town Trash the Dress, Warren Williams Photography-48

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Open chat
Hi! You're more than welcome to WhatsApp me anytime between 7.00am - 10.00pm for a quick response. Warren